Experience Global Media Project
The Global Media Project aims to connect people across the African Diaspora through the use of media, technology and storytelling. We do this by informing creators, artists, educators and consumers of the power of media.
We believe that history is created and told through our stories and we must take advantage of the digital revolution to capture voices from people all over the world and shift the current narratives to be more inclusive.
Through training, cultural exchange and production of original content we use media and technology to close the digital divide and the information gaps all over the world, offering our own unique perspectives and truths to foster understanding..
Narrative Shift
Through empowering storytellers, we are shifting and reclaiming our narratives all over the world. Ensuring that individuals and communities understand the power of controlling and sharing their narratives fosters a society that thrives from understanding one another through sharing unique experiences and perspectives that results in understanding.
Media Education is more extensive than just learning about production and how to make content. The Global Media Project educates creators and consumers on the power of media. “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind” is a quote we believe and want to ensure the powerful tools and technological advances are used for positive impact and change.
Technology Access
The Global Media Project is helping to close the digital divide by bringing modern technology and production skills to a new generation of creators and storytellers. We also utilize simple technology solutions, such as solar powered radios, to empower people that are disconnected from the digital revolution with vital information.
“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
Influencer Testimonial